Door Faults

Door Faults

It's getting chilly out there now!  If you have ignored existing minor door faults, you could start to experience real problems.  So please don't leave them to the last minute.

Maybe the faults are not creating too much inconvenience right now.  But, what happens when they do?  Ignoring minor issues often have knock-on effects, potentially resulting in significant problems.

Door Faults

An unrepaired door can become dangerous.  When that occurs, it will have to be put out of action until repaired. 

As a result, you can experience inconvenience and loss of productivity, not to mention a potentially hefty repair bill.

It is not always possible for us to attend to a fault immediately, especially this busier time of year.   So, don't delay!  Sort out your door faults today!



For more information on repairs and maintenance, you can either click on the repairs page opposite or the maintenance page here.

Safety First!

Obviously, the reason for attending to door faults earlier is to ensure the safety of those operating them.  No one wants to fall foul of Health and Safety Law and cause injury or death to a staff member or the public.  However, as well as safety, you could well be saving on your pocket too.  Lotinga offers a Service Agreement facility, which entitles the holder to discounts off scheduled repairs.  Visit our Service and Discounts page to learn more.  Alternatively, contact us for a no-obligation quotation.