Doors Admin Team

Meet The Lotinga Doors Admin Team - Part 2

In this second blog of its type, we meet another Lotinga Doors Admin Team Member.

Trina is the Senior Office Manager.  She deals primarily with Advertising, Updating the Website, HR and Health and Safety. 

Trina has been with Lotinga since its inception in 2000.


When at home, Crystals and candles are Trina's passion.  She even has crystals sitting on her desk. 

Doors Admin Team

In addition to her day job, she is a Crystal Master and Reiki Master Practitioner.  She is also a Control Practitioner, a form of hypnotherapy which she uses to help people with a whole host of issues.

You can check out Trina's Coronation Therapies Facebook page here.

Trina is also passionate about the outdoors, loving nothing better than hiking in the mountains or cycling in the woods near home.  Because Trina loves the outdoors, she also loves to help reduce the number of items going to landfill and enjoys recycling or upcycling. 

For example, she makes new candles using the remnants of old candles and cushions and duvet covers made from old material.



How Can We Help?

Trina is just one of the Lotinga Doors Admin Team in the office.  Keep an eye out for future blogs featuring other members of Lotinga Industrial Doors.  

In the meantime, if there is anything we can help you with, do not hesitate to contact us!