Speed Doors as Agricultural Doors
Versatility is a main feature of the Eco-Strip Doors. For example, their use as Internal and External Agricultural Doors.
⇐ Initially, a sectional door divided this room; but, it suffered impact damage. Like for like was an option. However, the customer wanted to find a better door. A door more suited for a cool and, more importantly, clean area. In addition, full visibility was essential. In short, the Eco-Strip was the solution.
Agnes Farmcare Trading Ltd
“Great service and quite quick response!”

The quality of build and the technology is shown in this Facility.
After seeing our Eco-Strips on the Thanet Earth installations, Intelligent Growth contacted us.
Working closely with IGS, Lotinga designed a prototype. As a result, the Eco-Strip featured in the machine.
The farm uses UV lights; for this reason, we had to use a specific curtain material to protect the eyes. In addition, speed was essential to allow robots to move freely. Automation of the doors was wired directly into the farms' system. Thus, enabling the facility to operate the doors with the robots.
On the whole, the Thanet Earth installation made us realise just how helpful the Eco-Strip could be. Even more so, when working beside robots. (As seen in the example video below)

Main Features
Overall, the Eco-Strip is not just great as an Agricultural Door. Indeed, there are many reasons to choose one.
- To begin with, it is very Versatile - Can be used for a range of different applications and also environments
- Secondly, it offers an Instant Pass option for people or vehicles (optional)
- It helps reduces heat loss
- Controls air and dust coming into the building
- Reduces noise pollution
- Allows maximum natural light into the building
- Manufactured from heavy-duty and durable PVC
- Energy Saver
- High Speed (if required)
- These doors offer cheaper repair bills than canvas doors. If the curtain is damaged, the damaged strips will often require replacing, not the entire curtain.
- Many different forms of automation.
- Lastly, a Self-supporting option is available.

Alternative Types of Agricultural Door
As an internal Agricultural door, the Eco-Strip is a good option. However, there are many door types available. Click on our Agricultural Sector Page to see more. Alternatively, contact us for further advice.

Don't forget that servicing is not only essential; but part of Health and Safety Law.
We offer a Service Agreement Facility. The Agreement provides discounts on scheduled repairs. Either contact us for a quotation or, click on the link to learn more. ⇒
Could you benefit from an Eco-Strip Door; or, would you like to discuss different types of Agricultural Doors?
Call Us or complete our Online Enquiry Form.
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