Speed Doors

Quality Standard and High Speed Doors installed throughout Kent, London, Sussex and Surrey.

A new design by Lotinga Doors.

Do you have a busy opening that allows too much heat to escape in cold weather? Lotinga may be able to help. As a result of the expense of fast action doors and the rising cost of heating; Lotinga designed the Eco-Strip Roller Speed Doors.

The Eco-Strip is a PVC strip curtain with a difference. It has the benefits of standard plastic PVC curtains, but still, with the added advantage of an electronically driven roller system, this system allows the curtain to raise and lower when required.

The Eco-Strip is an exclusive design and also handmade by Lotinga Industrial Doors.

They are designed specifically for openings with excessive use. It dramatically reduces draughts and temperature loss and at the same time optimises your traffic flow.

Speed Doors

Available in High Speed and Normal Speed operation, the Eco-Strip Roller Door is exceptionally versatile; as a result, it is used indoors or outdoors.

There are many forms of activation devices, such as Key Switches or Remote Control.  Not sure what type of activation device would be better suited for you? Please see our Accessories page for activation options or call us for professional advice instead.

Speed Doors


Speed Doors

Features and Benefits:

  • Very Versatile - Can be used for a range of different applications and environments
  • Instant pass for people or vehicles (optional)
  • Allows maximum natural light into the building and furthermore reduces heat loss
  • Aids in controlling air and dust coming into the building
  • Many different forms of automation and also high speed option available
  • Manufactured from heavy duty and durable PVC
  • Energy Saver
  • Faster repairs compared to traditional canvas speed doors
  • Avoid scratch damage found on traditional PVC strip curtains
  • Integral Personnel Door Option

Recent Applications:

Speed Doors
Speed Doors

♦ Spas

♦ Printing Rooms


♦ Valeting Bays

♦ Recycling Plants

Demo Door

To see our Eco-Strip Doors in action, check out our Video Page, or visit our premises - by appointment only. 

Speed Doors
Speed Doors


SAFETY - Fast Action Doors - Important to Note!  

♦ Avoid Unwanted Damage - Ensure your Eco-Strip Doors or other Fast Action Doors are  ALWAYS raised and left up during gale conditions.  

♦ DO NOT attempt to pass underneath a speed door once it has started lowering.  Although Automatic Speed Doors have safety features, they can still take up to 0.68 of a second to respond to an obstruction.   We have had some customers attempt to drive or walk through whilst it is closing. 

The photo beams rely on the person standing in the beamline to stop the door from operating, and the safety edge will send the door back up only once it has touched an object or person.

Unless you ask for a speed door to pick up walking personnel, they MUST use other entrance doors into the building.  In this instance, we also strongly advise our customers to erect signage to that effect.

A motion sensor is a device used for picking up walking personnel.  Please get in touch with us for further information.

♦ NEVER reverse through the opening.  Ensure you have a total, clear vision of the entire door before attempting to pass through.


If you are travelling through the opening while the door is closing, you can cause damage to the door and your vehicle or injury to yourself.

If you think this type of incident could occur at your premises, please ask about traffic lights or other forms of alarms that we can to alert personnel when it is safe to pass through.


Speed Doors
Speed Doors


Speed Doors
Using the highest quality materials and manufactured on our premises, but most importantly, each door is designed to your specification, giving you an altogether professional and personal service.
We can also add cladding to accommodate your opening.

Safety and Savings

Speed Doors

Safety is of the utmost importance.  Classed as machines, these doors come under The Machinery Directive; consequently, you must maintain them at least once a year.  Click on our Safety and Legal Page for more information.

All industrial doors must have safety devices installed; Please refer to our Door Safety Systems page for further information on the safety devices required.


In order to help our customers meet their safety obligations, we offer a Service Agreement Facility which entitles the holder to discounts off Servicing and also Scheduled Repairs.