Lotinga's Fast Action PVC Doors Have An Exciting Future Ahead.
The Eco-Strip Fast Action PVC Doors are an integral part of this project.
IGS continues to work hard, telling the world about their Vertical Farm technology.
Greenhouse Growers has recently published an article stating: “Vertical farming is a relatively new development and is not yet widespread. However, it is attracting a lot of interest from investors and companies.”
This news is exciting for us and, indeed, the future of our Fast Action Doors.
Below is a video showing a drone making its way around the facility.

Well done to the Intelligent Growth team, who have worked so hard developing this fantastic concept and technology.
We are keeping our fingers crossed that their hard work starts producing actual dividends very soon.
We are very proud to have our Fast Action PVC doors incorporated into this incredible project. Lotinga wishes IGS all the luck moving forward with the first farms in a commercial setting.
Scottish Field has also written an article about the Unique Farm. They observe that "there have already been orders from Asia, Africa and the Middle East for the new technology."
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