Don't Attempt "Do It Yourself" Door Repairs
Times are hard, and trying to carry out your own door repairs is tempting.

Lotinga Doors Archives
We were having a clear out of the office and came across some photos of Lotinga Door Archives. Yes, actual old-style photos! So, we thought we would share some with you.

Agricultural Opening Alterations
At Lotinga, we often make changes to customers' premises, mainly these are agricultural opening alterations.

Black Friday Servicing Offer
For the first time, we have decided to participate in the Black Friday sale and give a Black Friday Servicing Offer.

Domestic Industrial Doors
The term 'Domestic Industrial Doors' may not always sit well with some people. How can an Industrial Door be put on a Domestic property? In this blog, we show the benefits of opting for an Industrial type door.

Door Engineers and New Vehicles
Who would have thought that gaining both qualified engineers and new vans would have become so difficult?

Save Money and Time. Act Quickly!
Here you can see the result of some typical impact damage. If this happens to your door and the damage isn't as severe as this, you may think, "It's only a dent; the door is still working!" In this blog, we explore why that is not a good idea and how quick action can save money and time.

Warehouse Door Parts
Warehouse Door Parts are probably some of the most in-demand in our field.
Because there is such a variety of warehouse doors, the range of parts is vast.

Roller Shutter Door Parts - Don't Delay, Order Today
The wait for delivery of some roller shutter door parts has increased dramatically in recent years.

Lotinga Doors Doggies - Our Canine Team
In this light-hearted blog, we look at the Lotinga Doors Doggies.
Our canine team members, who help to give our office that home-from-home feel.