Feature: Aluminium Glass Door
Size: 3520mm wide x 2700mm high
Time to Market: 4 months
Operation: Manual
Location: Canterbury

Here were doors which were old; not to mention, very worn and tired looking. Parts were not available, as a result of the age. Furthermore, the doors did not represent the customers' corporate colours.
Being beyond economical repair; each was replaced with a new aluminium glass door and window.
Additionally; the main entrance door had to double up as an emergency exit and open outwards.

However; on more blustery days, wind would catch the doors, forcing them back. This often caused damage to the glass.
With this in mind; heavy duty closures were fitted to the inside of the main aluminium glass door.

New corporate coloured, aluminium glass doors provide a more attractive look; and, above all; are less likely to get broken.
Enhancing Corporate Identity; as well as; helping to avoid more damage to the door. But; above all; ensuring the safety of those passing through.
Don't forget to keep all doors maintained on a yearly basis. To begin with; it is Health and Safety Law; secondly; it helps to ensure the safety of personnel using the openings.
A Service Agreement Facility is available. It entitles the holder to discounts off scheduled repairs; as well as; giving peace of mind the servicing won't be overlooked.

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