Project: Installation of Bi-Parting Aluminium Sliding Door and Fire Shutter
Size: 2000mm wide x 2200mm high
Type: 240v Electric
Location: Birchington, Kent

Glass and Aluminium Bi-Parting Sliding Door and Fire Shutter Installation - Industrial Greenhouse
Lotinga is very proud to have been commissioned to install our Eco-Strip Speed Doors within this Industrial Greenhouse site on several occasions.
However, this installation of a sliding door and fire shutter was something different.
Here is the entrance to the Canteen area. It is a requirement for Staff to pass through a Wash Station. As a result, contaminates are not walked through into the Greenhouse areas.
At first, the installation of the Automatic Glass Aluminium Door took place.

Meanwhile, installed behind the Bi-Parting Sliding Door is the Wash Station, and in front of the glass door was a fire shutter.

All installations are complete, resulting in a very attractive addition to the building. Furthermore, it provides adequate fire security to the greenhouse areas.

Once installation is complete, don't forget maintenance. It would be best if you service all your industrial doors at least once a year. To help customers keep up to date, we offer a Service Agreement Facility. The Agreement provides discounts on repairs. For more information or a no-obligation quotation, contact us.
How Can We Help?
Would your premises benefit from a Bi-Parting Sliding Door or similar installation to this one? Maybe you have other requirements that we could help you with?
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