Feature: Insulated Shutter Repairs
Time to Market: 9 weeks
Operation: Electric
Location: Kent

Insulated Shutter Repairs
These insulated shutter repairs were a result of wind damage. We thought it would be interesting to walk you through a typical curtain replacement.
Firstly, we open the door fully up and remove the side guides. We strap the curtain around the barrel and switch off the power supply.
Safety always comes first, so we position the block and tackles above the door onto the large H steels and fit the straps around the barrel assembly.
We then remove the fixings from the end plates, take the strain off the tackles, and lift the complete barrel assembly onto an A-frame, including the curtain, motor, and endplates.
Once secured onto the A-Frame, we use the motor hand chain mechanism to unwind the curtain from the barrel. We can then strip the laths off the barrel.
While the barrel is on the A-frame, we service it and its working parts. We then attach the new curtain to the barrel, roll the curtain onto it, and rotate the barrel until the entire curtain is rolled up. Then, we secure the straps to the barrel, ready for lifting.
With the help of a scissor lift and the block and tackle, we raise the barrel and curtain to the top and place it back into position.
We re-wire the motor, fit the side guides and lower the curtain into place. The curtain is safe and the door is once again operational.
How Can We Help?
Do you have a damaged door that requires repairs?
Contact us for professional advice and a quotation.